3Dキャラクター作成ソフト「vroid studio」で 使用する衣装のテクスチャデータを個人で制作しています。『大人のためのデジタルファッション』をコンセプトに、質が高くシンプルで美しいデザインを目指していまいります。
VRoidHub『 studioH。』 https://hub.vroid.com/users/65571101
ご購入いただいたデータ商品の二次使用(創作物・作品などへの流用、改変、商用利用等)に関しては、R -18を含め特に制限を設けません。
We are selling VRoid items.
I create texture data for outfits used in the 3D character creation software "VRoid Studio." With the concept of "Digital Fashion for Adults," I aim to design high-quality, simple, and beautiful pieces.
VRoidHub: "studioH。" https://hub.vroid.com/users/65571101
■ Please note that the specifications and prices of products may change without prior notice. However, once purchased, you can still download the product even after any changes in its specifications, except for discontinued items.
For updates and notifications regarding specification changes, please check our Twitter.
■ Regarding returns and refunds
Due to the nature of digital products, we are unable to offer returns or refunds. We appreciate your understanding.
■ Secondary use of purchased products
There are no particular restrictions on the secondary use of purchased digital products (such as using them in creative works,modifications, commercial use, etc.), including R-18 content.
Credit attribution is left to the discretion of the purchaser or user.
However, please refrain from reselling, redistributing for free, or claiming the products as your own in their original form.
Additionally, the user is responsible for any issues that arise from the use of avatars or 3D models created using the items or texture data sold on this site.
■ The VRoid outfit data sold and distributed on this site is designed to be layered, but in some cases, parts of the layered outfit underneath may clip through. In such cases, please use the eraser tool in the VRoidStudio outfit editing screen to remove the clipping parts.
■ The VRoid outfit data sold and distributed on this site is intended for use with the latest version of VRoid Studio. Please make sure to update to the latest version of VRoid Studio before use.
Note: The above sentence was translated by ChatGPT.